Thursday, July 31, 2008

Are Books on Bookshelf Sha Qi?

I am always amazed some of the theories that comes out from some practitioner. Take for example the bookshelf. They go all out to discourage people from having bookshelf behind their work desk. The books behind them are like Sha Qi, sending sharp negative Qi to whoever that is sitting in front of it. It affects them, makes them lose concentration, deplete them of energy and so on. If one must have the bookshelf behind them, they must ensure that it is fill-up with books, to even out the Sha Qi.

If this is really the case, all libraries should be closed down. What's the point of having a library when nobody is going to gain the benefits of reading books in it? Imagine all the Sha attacking you. The CIA should just donate half-filled bookshelves to their enemies and include free interior design for them so that it could "sha" the enemies without them knowing.

We need to be more open-minded and do not let this type of knowledge "Sha" you.

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