Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yin and Yang Apart - Perfect Harmony?

I was surfing the Internet and I came across this page that talks about a rock, a Dragon Rock as it is known, located near the center of land formation called Petals of the elegant Plum Blossom.

What is interesting about this rock is that it looks like it has been split into half by supposedly a divine sword and the two halves has been "ordained" heaven and earth.

A quote from the webpage, "The clean split in the middle seems to symbolize the Yin and Yang of nature ever so close and yet so far apart. It is only here that.....can commune in perfect harmony in this wonderful setting"

One wonders if the Yin and Yang is supposed to be split into two halves to achieve harmony or must work together as one. Both Yin and Yang must balance. Can perfect harmony be achieved if it is split and be so far apart?

This dragon is hurting. A broken bone dragon is not a happy dragon. Time will tell the wrath of the dragon.

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