Thursday, March 19, 2009

Selection comes first

There has been numerous occasions when client comes to us seeking for help after they have selected and completed the construction/renovation of their land/properties/offices/retail shops . This happens when their situation gotten from good to bad to worst in their life experiences, be it business, relationships, health, etc.

Property selection is the most important activity that one must embark on before anything else to follow. This is to ensure that the property is located in a “productive” surrounding and with the ability to harness auspicious Qi . If the surrounding area is not optimal, our advise is to look for a better place.

We want to start on a right footing. Of course, changes can still be done post-construction. But wouldn’t it be better if we can minimise the changes, changes that are usually costly, by getting a good property first?

Always keep in mind…Selection comes first.

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